Definition of Water sport

1. Noun. Sports that involve bodies of water.

Exact synonyms: Aquatics
Specialized synonyms: Swim, Swimming, Surfboarding, Surfing, Surfriding, Water-skiing
Generic synonyms: Athletics, Sport
Examples of category: Fin, Paddle, Crawl, Breaststroke, Backstroke, Dive, Belly-flop

Definition of Water sport

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of watersport) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Water Sport

water snail
water snake
water softener
water softeners
water softening
water soldier
water sore
water souchies
water souchy
water spaniel
water sparrow
water speedwell
water spider
water spiders
water spinner
water sport
water sports
water spot
water spout
water sprite
water starwort
water stoma
water stop
water strider
water striders
water supply
water system
water table
water tables

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